June 23, 2023 - By: Brandon Jenkins

Boxing match, with one boxer being punched.

2 proven points for resilience when life throws you curveballs. ⚾️

Epictetus, the ancient Stoic philosopher, once said, “Train my mind to adapt to any circumstance… In this way, if circumstances take you off script… you won’t be desperate for a new prompting.”

Quite often, we save for or anticipate some arbitrary point in the future.

But as Mike Tyson pointed out, plans last only until you’re punched in the face. 💥

It’s not about sticking to a rigid script but about building resilience.

Two points to remember:

  1. It’s better to be taught than simply given.
  2. Flexibility trumps being a slave to a script.

How are you building your resilience to adapt to life’s punches rather than rigidly sticking to the script?

Ever been caught in a financial storm?

Here’s how resilience can change the game:

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, my condo’s (primary residence) paper value dropped dramatically from $163k to just $50k.

Instead of giving in to panic, I adopted a new strategy.

I rented out the condo, generating a positive cash flow, and moved forward patiently.

Today, the condo’s value is well over $200k, proving that I hadn’t actually lost a penny.

The takeaway?

True wealth isn’t merely about an asset’s ‘value’. It’s about its ability to enhance your resilience.

So, what attributes can make an asset resilient?

1. Physicality: The reassurance of a tangible asset that’s building equity.
2. Positive Cash Flow: Regular income generation, irrespective of the asset’s paper value.
3. Flexibility: Offering various options – whether for living, renting, selling, or access to financing.

I’m curious – what kind of assets are you investing in for resilience and long-term capital preservation?

Do you have someone on your team helping you with these concepts? If not, please reach out to us at https://www.tieronelifeinsurance.com/contact/

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